Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bigger Loser Day 8

I don't know what to say.
I got too little sleep.
Woke up late.
No stretching this morning.
My body hates me right now.
I stink; need a shower.
Worked a 10+ hour day.
I'm tired. 
I think I need coney dogs (yes, they're veggie)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Biggest Loser Day 7

Ok, I was crushed today. I spoke with a health-professional-type-guy; he was the health rep. for our company. He pointed out that if I intend to drop to 160 lbs. I would be extremely unhealthy. I currently carry 18% body fat at ~178 lbs. Apparently the only way I can drop to 160 lbs. is to lose muscle and bone mass, or to drop to an unhealthy body fat level. So, my new goal is to drop to 10%-12% body fat. I'll have to start checking it every once in a while.

Breakfast - Banana bread
Lunch - Peanut Butter Sandwich
Dinner - 1/2 cup baked beans; one disturbingly processed bun made of white flour, sugar, and preservatives
Post-run snack - Soy protein shake

I did a short walk; about 1.2 miles. Then, I did a quick run too; 17 mins. 54 secs. Just about an even 2 miles. Map follows:

Bigger Loser Day 6

Took the day off; sort of.

Started the day with 100 crunches alternating 20 slow and 20 really slow. 

Breakfast - Banana Bread and Dates
Lunch - don't remember
Snack - Peanuts and Dates
Dinner - Greek Salad from Cap City; Grilled Cheese and Fries from Helen Killer Cafe

That's it.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bigger Loser Day 5

Couldn't sleep. Went to bed at about 5:30am; woke at 7:00am. Did 100 Crunches, 20 oblique crunches, 20 jack knifes, no bird dogs today. Went for a 30 mins. 34 seconds run that followed the attached route (3.4 miles).

Breakfast - Banana bread with Peanut Butter
Lunch - 3 veggie dogs, bbq sauce
Dinner - bag of popcorn and edamame

I know, another bad day of eating; I promise, it will get better.

Bigger Loser Day 4

Saturday in the park I think it was the 4th of July...
Before the park I had to go in to work. So, I got very little sleep; about 4 hours; then hurried in for a meeting. Then went to watch some Rugby. After a pretty good showing by Scioto Valley, I went off to play some pick-up soccer. We ran around for about 2 - 2.5 hours. No lifting, did some burpies (about 5 at the end of the match/game); also, I snuck in 100 crunches, 20 oblique crunches, 20 jack knifes, and 10 bird dogs before my meeting.took it kinda easy.

Breakfast - Protein Shake
Lunch - Rice Noodles, Peanut Sauce, veggies, and beans
Dinner - Chips, Guacamole, Bread, and Spaghetti

Yeah, I didn't eat very well... you'll have that. 

Friday, April 3, 2009

Biggest Loser Day 3

Forgot to weigh in today; tomorrow isn't looking good either. Oh well.

So, day 3.
Full body workout consisted of:
Assisted Chin-ups - 3 sets of 10 reps
Machine Bench Press - 3 sets of 10 reps
Squats - 3 sets of 10 reps (deep squats; I kept it light, only up to 200lbs.)
EZ-bar curls - 3 sets of 10 reps
Dips - 3 sets of 10 reps (immediately following each regular set with an assisted set)
Ab pullover machine - 3 sets of 10 reps
Oblique Crunch machine - 3 sets of 10 reps

Oh yeah, plus I did 80 crunches with 40 jack knifes. 

Meals consisted of: 
Breakfast - Protein Shake
Lunch - 1 bag of popcorn (small carni bag); 6 peanut butter on cheese Lance sandwich crackers.
Dinner - Thai peanut sauce on veggies with black soy beans
Post-dinner meal - Dube Black bean burger; refried pinto beans with onions and salsa
Dessert - 2 small chocolate covered cherries

That's all folks, I'm going to hit the sack, I have to work tomorrow. 

Bigger Loser Day 2

So, day 2. 
I decided to jog to the gym, then swim, hit the sauna and jog back. Sooo... I did the jog there in just under 13 minutes (with getting stopped at 2 stoplights; but it's downhill, so...). By the time I got there, I had 20 minutes to swim and sauna, plus I was tired from yesterday and knew I had to run back so I could be ready for the soccer match. I opted to just hit the sauna. All fresh and revitalized, I headed back up the hill! The route is actually shown in reverse by the way. I came down Oak and went up Long St. So, just under 17 minutes (with only one light) later I got home. 
I had just enough time to throw on some clothes and run out the door to the soccer match. I guess I played ok; I know little about soccer skills. 
So, that was day 2. Hopefully there is a fun little map of my route.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day One

I guess this counts as day one. 

I hit the gym after a 9 hour day at work.

My 40 minute workout consisted of:
Clean and Jerks 3 sets of 10 reps 
Push-ups 3 sets of 10 reps
Chin-ups 3 sets of 3 reps (what can I say, I suck at these)
Back extensions 3 sets of 10 reps
Reverse-grip curls 3 sets of 10 reps
Triceps rope pulldowns 3 sets of 10 reps
Swiss ball crunches 3 sets of 10 reps
Shrugs 3 sets of 10 reps
Flys 3 sets of 10 reps

I added in a 12 minute Elliptical workout at the end.
I then went home and did a 24 minute jog.
That's it, time for some coney dogs!

Oh yeah, for breakfast I had a veggie protein shake.
Lunch was a banana, an apple, half of an orange, an iceberg salad (no dressing, just tomatoes, carrots, onions, and green peppers), a few corn chips, and a  peanut butter sandwich.
I snacked on a shortbread tea cookie (le petite ecolier), and some dark chocolate covered ginger.
Now I am planning to grab a couple of veggie coney dogs and some thai peanut noodles.

Ok that's really it this time; them dogs're callin!

Bigger Loser

Last April I decided to lose some weight. Then a "Biggest Loser" competition began, which further encouraged me. 
This year, I just want to lose some more. Then, I heard about some local runs and decided I would try to drop some weight and enter some runs. So in preparation for the 5ks in April and May and the 10k in June, I am trying to drop down to 160. I weighed in today at 184 I figure, knock off 2 lbs. for clothes and 1 pound for all of the stuff I carry around everyday. So, I'm weighing about 180 - 181. [On an aside, I weighed in at home and hit 174lbs.; the scale at work is much more accurate]
So, there I have it approximately 20lbs. by 18 May.